Pi Network vs. BTC and ETH: Underdog That Could Surpass Them All!

Pi Network vs. BTC and ETH: Underdog That Could Surpass Them All!


Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm, and among the rising stars is Pi Coin—a project with a unique approach. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Pi Network, compare it to the pioneers of the crypto world, Bitcoin and Ethereum, and explore how it aims to carve its niche in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, one project stands out for its vision of creating a more inclusive and accessible digital future. Pi Network, often referred to simply as Pi, is at the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution, and it’s poised to challenge established giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What is Pi Network, compared to BTC and ETH?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, each project has its unique features and aspirations. To help you better understand how Pi Network differentiates itself from two of the most well-known cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, we’ve prepared a detailed comparison in the table below. This comparison covers various aspects, including the vision, the size of the community, accessibility, core team structure, consensus algorithms, identity verification, and primary use cases.

Comparison between PI Coin, ETH, and BTC

FeaturePi NetworkBitcoinEthereum
VisionPi Network envisions creating the world’s most inclusive Web3 ecosystem.Bitcoin is often referred to as “digital gold,” serving as a store of value.Ethereum aims to provide a platform for decentralized computing and smart contracts.
MembersPi Network boasts over 47 million engaged Pioneers contributing to its ecosystem.Bitcoin miners are pseudonymous, making it challenging to estimate the number of active participants.Ethereum’s community includes a global network of developers and users.
AccessibilityPi Network offers free mobile mining, making it accessible to people worldwide.Bitcoin mining requires significant energy and resources, limiting accessibility.Ethereum transactions involve gas fees, which can be a barrier to entry.
Core TeamPi Network’s core team consists of 35+ members located globally.Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains pseudonymous and inactive.Ethereum is developed by the Ethereum Foundation and a broad community of contributors.
Consensus AlgorithmPi Network uses a unique PoS-based consensus algorithm.Bitcoin relies on PoW (SHA-256) for security and consensus.Ethereum is transitioning from PoW to PoS for scalability and sustainability.
Identity VerificationPi Network employs KYC for trust graph formation.Bitcoin users operate pseudonymously.Ethereum’s core developers are publicly known, but users can remain pseudonymous.
Use CasesPi Network focuses on developing a Web3 ecosystem with diverse use cases.Bitcoin primarily serves as a digital store of value and a hedge against inflation.Ethereum enables the execution of smart contracts, powering decentralized applications (DApps).

This detailed comparison sheds light on how Pi Network stands out in terms of its vision, community-driven approach, and accessibility. While Bitcoin and Ethereum have established themselves as significant players in the cryptocurrency space, Pi Network is forging a path toward inclusivity and accessibility, particularly through its innovative mobile mining mechanism.

tradeyourpi | pi coin vs ETH vs BTC

Token Model and Mining

A cryptocurrency’s success relies on its token model and mining mechanisms. Here, we delve into Pi Network’s approach, which is critical to understanding its growth strategy.

Pi Supply

Pi Network’s vision revolves around inclusivity and widespread accessibility while maintaining security. To achieve this, they initially focused on network growth and the availability of mining rewards wasn’t capped before Mainnet.

Pre-Mainnet Supply

In the early stages, Pi Coin prioritized accessibility, distribution, and global expansion. Mining rewards were distributed to incentivize Pioneer participation. The mining rate halves with network growth milestones, ensuring long-term incentives. The total supply remained undefined before Mainnet.

Mainnet Supply

To address planning unpredictability and over/under-rewarding challenges, the Pi Network shifts to a clear maximum total supply of 100 billion Pi for the Mainnet phase. This model allows continued growth and new contributions while removing unpredictability.

Supply Distribution

Pi Network adheres to an 80% community supply and 20% Pi Core Team supply distribution. The Core Team’s allocation unlocks progressively, ensuring fair distribution and community involvement.

It’s important to note that Pi Network does not engage in ICOs or crowdfunding sales. Pi Coin can only be mined through contributions to the ecosystem and claimed via the Pi App’s Mainnet dashboard.

In the next section, we’ll explore how Pi Network’s community-driven approach sets it apart from Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Pi Network’s community-driven approach

Pi Coin stands out not only for its unique token model but also for its strong community-driven approach. In this table, we’ll compare how Pi Network, Bitcoin, and Ethereum engage with their communities and incentivize contributions:

FeaturePi NetworkBitcoinEthereum
Community FocusPi Network emphasizes inclusivity with over 47 million engaged Pioneers.Bitcoin miners operate pseudonymously, making it challenging to estimate active participants.Ethereum boasts a global developer community and user base.
Rewards MechanismPi Network offers mobile mining rewards to its community.Bitcoin relies on block rewards and halving events.Ethereum transactions involve gas fees and staking rewards.
AccessibilityPi Network provides accessibility through free mobile mining.Bitcoin mining demands significant energy and resources.Ethereum transactions often require gas fees.
GovernancePi Network envisions future decentralized governance.Bitcoin operates in a decentralized manner with nodes.Ethereum relies on Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) for governance.
Community Driven Approach

This table highlights how Pi Coin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum engage with their respective communities and incentivize contributions. Pi Network’s emphasis on inclusivity and mobile mining sets it apart as it seeks to build an ecosystem driven by a diverse and engaged user base. In contrast, Bitcoin and Ethereum follow different approaches, with Bitcoin’s pseudonymous miners and Ethereum’s developer-centric governance model. These distinctions reflect the unique characteristics of each cryptocurrency within the broader blockchain landscape.

In the next section, we’ll explore Pi Network’s approach to token supply and distribution in more detail.

Supply Distribution

One of the crucial aspects of Pi Network’s design is its approach to supply distribution. How tokens are distributed can significantly impact the network’s dynamics and long-term sustainability. Pi Network’s supply distribution model is rooted in principles of fairness, accessibility, and community involvement.

Fairness and Accessibility

Pi Network is committed to making cryptocurrency accessible to everyone, especially those who may have been excluded from the crypto revolution due to various barriers. The early phases of the Pi Network focused on widespread distribution and accessibility. Mobile mining, which is free and easy to use, allows people worldwide to participate and receive Pi tokens. This approach aimed to prevent extreme token concentration, a common issue in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and to create a genuinely peer-to-peer decentralized ecosystem.

Community-Centric Distribution

In alignment with Pi Network’s community-driven ethos, the supply distribution ensures that the majority of tokens are held by the community itself. A significant 80% of the total circulating supply is allocated to the Pi community, empowering those who actively contribute to the network. This distribution principle aligns with Pi Network’s goal of fostering a sense of ownership and involvement among its users.

Pi Core Team’s Role

The remaining 20% of tokens are allocated to the Pi Core Team. Importantly, these tokens unlock progressively and may be subject to additional self-imposed lockup mandates. This mechanism demonstrates a commitment to responsible stewardship of the project and aligns the team’s incentives with the broader community’s interests.

By structuring supply distribution in this way, Pi Coin aims to create a cryptocurrency ecosystem that is not only accessible but also community-driven and fair. It’s a departure from the traditional models of concentration seen in many cryptocurrencies, and it reflects Pi Network’s vision of building a more inclusive and decentralized digital future.

Beware of Scams

Pi Network emphasizes that it does not have any allocation for ICO or crowdfunding sales of Pi. Any such claims are unauthorized and fake. Pi can only be mined through the Pi App.


Pi Coin presents a unique vision—an inclusive, community-driven Web3 ecosystem. While Bitcoin and Ethereum have established themselves as digital gold and decentralized computing platforms, respectively, Pi Network seeks to pioneer a new path by prioritizing accessibility, mobile mining, and a strong sense of community.

As Pi Coin continues to grow and evolve, it remains a project worth watching. Its innovative approach to cryptocurrency mining, commitment to accessibility, and clear supply model set it apart in the ever-expanding crypto landscape. Whether Pi Network will ultimately challenge the dominance of Bitcoin and Ethereum remains to be seen, but its journey is undoubtedly one to follow.